Get the house of your dreams with the Fifthsaver Home Loan, a flexible home financing solution that is available to business owners and salaried individuals with monthly, quarterly, biannual, and annual repayments options.
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How to get it
- 1 Completed Home Loan application form.
- 2 Offer letter for sale from vendor.
- 3 Copy of company (work) ID card.
- 4 Copy of valid photo identification (Int’l passport and driver’s license).
- 5 Letter of introduction from employer (stating salary and confirmation status).
- 6 Copy of the title documents to the property.
- 7 Valuation report from any of the Bank’s approved Valuer.
- 8 Satisfactory search report.
- 9 Recent three months’ pay slips.
- 10 Recent 6 months’ bank statements with evidence of salary payments